One man agency launches a B2B SaaS for US Healthcare professionals

How Kyan leveraged WeWeb to build Aloe, a set of HIPAA-compliant tools for medical educators and learners.
Aloe Digital Solutions is a software platform for academic medical professionals. It streamlines medical education processes by providing features such as curriculum scheduling, question banks, policy libraries, and newsfeeds. The platform's user-friendly interface and convenience can be downloaded and accessed as a progressive web app on various devices, including tablets and mobile.
WeWeb, Xano
Use case
Internal tools for medical professionals

Kyan Lynch is a Senior Public Health Specialist at the University of Rochester Medical Center. While being there, he observed that medical education was lagging behind and often neglected by healthcare professionals.

But, as health is a constantly changing area, he had the idea of developing a B2B SaaS aimed at hospitals and healthcare professionals, so that they could build their own curriculum, and then share them.

The Challenge

Kyan wanted to build a SaaS with a simple user experience as many healthcare professionals have limited experience with digital tools. He wanted them to be able to create their curriculum using a simple drag and drop interface.

Also, as healthcare data is very sensitive, he wanted his app to be HIPAA and GDPR-compliant, so that user data remained confidential and protected. He also wanted to build a multi-tenancy system because a user can be part of multiple departments/hospitals.

Choosing WeWeb

When he tried WeWeb, Kyan was really suprised at how easy it was to design custom interfaces inside the tool. He used the drag and drop feature of the kanban element to create his own drag and drop experience. Instead of users moving cards horizontally between kanban columns, he allowed them to reorder quizz questions vertically in a single column.

Kyan also appreciated the fact that WeWeb is HIPAA and GDPR-compliant by default. Indeed, because WeWeb is focused on the frontend and doesn't store any dynamic data on its servers, it is a strong choice for healthcare apps.

In addition, he liked the fact that hospitals that want to self-host have that option thanks to WeWeb's self-hosting and code export capabilities.

Using WeWeb in conjunction with Xano made handling multiple tenancy a breeze. The seamless integration of these two tools simplifies the process significantly. For instance, when a separate table is created in Xano's database, it can be easily utilized in accordance with the user currently logged into the WeWeb app.

"I kinda expected that I could only build a MVP using no-code, and then switch to developers and a fully-coded solution. But with WeWeb, I think I can scale endlessly."

Kyan Lynch, CEO at Aloe Digital Solutions

What he built

Aloe Digital’s app is a SaaS where healthcare practitioners can implement their own course curriculum to train their colleagues. It offers a simple user experience with an intuitive drag and drop feature.

Users enrolled in the course can access their individual calendars within the app, allowing them to view the schedule of each course. The multi-tenancy feature ensures robust security by preventing users from accessing the schedules of other users or hospital courses, maintaining privacy and confidentiality.

The Results

Utilizing WeWeb for front-end development enabled Kyan to build an MVP from scratch in 4 weeks with no prior programming experience. He was able to do this largely on his own, without the need to hire a full-time developer. With the help of other users in the WeWeb community and a couple of coaching sessions from an experienced developer, he was able to bring his project to life and, perhaps most importantly, do it in a way that allows him to understand how things work and to iterate quickly to scale the project autonomously.