🖨️ Print PDF, PWA plugin, and new sanitize options
[WORKFLOW] [ACTION] Added window.print() as a no-code "Print PDF" action
[ELEMENT] [RADIO] [SELECT] Added Sanitize option for radio group and select input texts
[PLUGIN] [XANO] & [XANO AUTH] Add "Send credentials" toggle for Collections and Requests
[PLUGIN] [PWA] Includes mobile specific no-code actions such as Add to home screen, Geolocate, Share, Show notification, Device motion, Device info, Network, Battery, Page visibility
[COMPONENT] Force display in editor did not work on instances‍
[EDITOR] Double sort on data didn't work‍
[EDITOR] [EXPLORER] Date object was wrongly displayed as an empty object‍
[EDITOR] [STYLE] Changing the background color added black instead of the typed/pasted color‍
[EDITOR] [FORMULA] In JS blocks, select and replace by clicking in the data explorer didn't replace‍
[THEME] Issue with color in a component‍
[EDITOR] [FONT] Setting a font with style italic and normal didn't work‍
[CSS] [GRID] Visual bug when choosing an fr value with decimals‍
[EDITOR] [LOGS] "Error" log was moved from "Others" to "Actions"
[COLLECTION] Collections were not updated when receiving data: null‍
[PLUGIN] [AUTH0] Update email and Update user profile actions were not working‍